Saturday, January 21, 2017

Myanmar Motorcycle Epic - Part One

My motorbike in front of an amazing Myanmar sky
A year ago, I went on an amazing motorcycle journey, criss-crossing the heart of Myanmar on a two week tour that I'll never forget. At the end of it, I was a bit forlorn, as I thought I'd never be able to replicate the awesomeness of that trip. Now, a year later, I'm on that same little Chinese motorbike, but this time on a 4 week adventure. Consequently, I'm free to go a little further afield and explore the edges of Myanmar. I don't know how this journey is going to compare to last year's. It doesn't really matter. Having to give the trip a name for narrative purposes, and having already used up the name "journey", I've decided to call this trip the Myanmar Motorcycle Epic. Point being, I'm a few days into nearly a month of doing what I love best: touring on my motorcycle and making videos out of it.

There was a preface to the epic. See, I have to leave Myanmar every 70 days to renew my business visa, and so short trips to Bangkok are a regular occurrence. I've started my month off with a trip to the Big Mango. This short intro video gets the party started.

After arriving and spending the night in Naypyitaw, my first morning had me heading up to Meiktila, a college town on a crossroads. Meiktila's most significant attraction is it's lake which you'll see a lot of in the video.

I felt great getting back out onto the road again, and all thoughts of comparing this year's journey's to years past melted away.  Enjoy the first real video.

Actually, this map is inaccurate. Change of plans. I'm going to the town
of Saw, which you see in the lower left corner of the pic.
As I write this, I'm about to begin the next leg of the journey, up into the mountains of Chin State. I suspect the internet will be shoddy to unavailable up there, so if you don't hear from me for a while, know that's the reason.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, for showing us how/where you're travelling. Enjoy your trip! Blessings, Lynn


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.