Monday, January 16, 2017

Change of Plans

It's my first day of 4 weeks vacation. I might have left today, but decided not to because of the ridiculous price differences between flights on a Monday versus those on a Tuesday. See, I have to make a quick visa run to Bangkok tomorrow before beginning the big tour. 

Here, at the last minute, I've had a change of plans. As I mentioned in the previous blog, I entirely anticipated being turned back at a checkpoint in Shan State. What might have been worse would have been being allowed to pass through, and then finding myself in the middle of opium country with no law enforcement around and being a victim of highway robbery. So, yes, in some ways, I suppose I'm chickening out. 

 While researching where to go instead when I get turned back in Shan State, I looked into Chin State, the mountainous western province bordering India and Bangladesh, eventually deciding that I should just go there straightaway. So, new route!


  1. Well you just became one less person I have to worry about!

  2. Gad you made this change. Luck may not have been on your side.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.