Sunday, May 26, 2013

Part Two of my Condo Tour & Playing Uke at the Park

Not that much to say tonight.  Today was a Sunday at the end of a 3-day weekend.  Spent the middle part of the day out looking for motorcycle dealerships that might have good used bikes at reasonable prices.  It being Sunday, only a couple of the places I found were even open, and even with them not being able to speak English, in my limited Thai and writing prices down in a book (I can say the numbers up to 1000 pretty well, but I forgot the word for 10,000 [it isn't 'ten' followed by 'thousand'] we had communication issues), I was able to surmise they had nothing in the price range I was hoping to get.

I heard through an expat forum I participate in that used bikes are a lot easier to find and a lot cheaper if you head out into provinces.  I guess in Bangkok, people buy new.  So, if by next weekend, I don't find anything that fits my needs and price range, I've been invited to visit Rayong for the weekend and be hosted by a friend I met online.

Sounds fun.  I almost hope I don't find anything this week.

We got a two-for-one in the video department tonight.  First, it is Part Two of the introducing my condo tour.  In this video, I point out some features of the place that were left out of the first one, I have fun with my laser pointer and the dogs who hang out in the parking lot under my balcony and I make my first real meal in my new place.

 Did that video look better to be a better video quality than previous ones?  The internet connection at my new place is fast enough that I am able to upload vids at 'full' resolution as opposed to 'medium'.

Next, I had fun in the afternoon playing ukulele at a local park.  Sorry about the competing background music. I had gotten all settled in at the 'perfect spot' when, I don't know what it was that rolled up and started playing music behind the trees, but since the sun goes down fast in the tropics and I was running out of daylight, I uked forward!


  1. Thanks for sharig your story. The youtube links arent working though.

  2. A suggestion. A woven linen shirt is much cooler than a knit polo shirt. If you shake them out and hang on a hanger to dry after washing they usually don't need ironing, at least after a few washings.

  3. Cool Bananas!
    Jamie Oliver can retire now... ;)
    It was amazingly quick and painless, I may be inspired to buy a pan and one of those drainer thingies yet.

    The video was good quality. Liked the music and the mention of it at the end of the video.
    Did you give the dogs a biscuit?
    I was very surprised and shocked when a dog barked at me in the street, will be carrying either a green light or biscuits from now on ;)

  4. Hey Joko,
    We enjoy reading about your adventures. You are a very good narrator. Nice clean, small condo. Sorry you had the dis.!
    Aunt Nancy & Uncle Gil


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.