Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Got My Love Back

I'm not generally one who is concerned with material
possessions.  As long as I have what I need, I'm not
concerned about impressing others with my stuff, and
I certainly don't feel any overwhelming need to always
have the newest and best toys. Material possessions
don't make me happy.

Doing what I love does.

Making videos is something I love, so as I've mentioned
over the last couple blogs, that has hit me pretty hard.

Well, guess what I found on Day Two of my living in
Bangkok?  Turns out they DO sell JVC cameras in the
Land of Smiles.

I sure had a huge smile today when I acquired one...



  1. So glad you found it. The music was a bit overwhelming on this video. It was hard to focus on your dialogue.

    Seems like you still are on vacation! Remember what I said about kids. It goes double for middle school boys. You are not their friend. Remember your Spanish teacher...

  2. Love it! I can't seem to stop grinning. What an adventure!!! (And, I liked the music. Gave it more smiley emphasis for me.)

  3. Dude glad you found a camera! Your videos are great! Keep them coming.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.