Wednesday, April 24, 2024


I thought I was going to retire there.

I was the senior staff member. I'd been there longer than anyone.

It. Is. Not. Fair. 

But on the brighter side of things, 4/24/24 was fittingly auspicious.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Ten Years in Myanmar

 I couldn't remember the exact date of my arrival in Yangon. I thought the ten-year anniversary was going to be some day next week, so tonight I thought back to this blog. Here I'd find a post to remind me of that date - and there it was, dated 7 March 2014. My anniversary, an hence my workversery was four days ago. 

And no one noticed.

At work, we constantly get emails congratulating this person or that for their 1-year, 3-year or whatever year tenure with the company.  Here I am, the senior member of the staff, and my ten-year milestone comes and passes without a word. 

Man, I feel like I've been kicked in the gut. 

Underappreciated, spurned, underestimated, unwanted...and angry.

I know some people don't like me, but it's not because Ive wronged them in some way.  I'm just a convenient focus for their own frustration. Having been with the company for so long, I'm among the best paid employees, and I've earned that.  That also fosters resentment.

I can't believe it. I mean, I wasn't expecting a gold watch or anything like that, but a mention in an email would have been... the minimum they could have done.  

Do I feel full of righteous indignation? Damn straight I do. 

I can't throw it in their faces either.  

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Sail Away Many Ways


As I was sorting through some old printouts of various songs, I found one I hadn't seen in ages.  It was hand-written on the back of a Otis Millburn song, and as I was filled with enthusiasm, I started on a production. 

In the end, I wasn't entirely pleased with the performance and went back to practicing. When the power went out today, it was time to wrap up. 

Which then led to these three versions...




THis last one is my favorite. It was recorded during practice, which had no video recording just sound. I find some other clips to help there. 

Thanks to Kevin Baiko (AKA Dr Sparkles)


Friday, November 12, 2021

Tour d'House!

I was asked to show the new place I'm renting as I seemed so excited about it.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-09-06T21:11:33

The Redemption of a Horsethief. Sol Poet and Joko Uke collab Sometimes I get started on a task without fully realizing how much time it's going to take. There are a lot of words in this old favorite of mine, and it now has its closed captioning. ""


I thought I was going to retire there. I was the senior staff member. I'd been there longer than anyone. It. Is. Not. Fair.  But on the ...