Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Quest for Shoelaces!

I've now been in Bangkok now for one week and one day.  When I'm out and about, I know that I must have a completely bewildered expression as I take in this big, busy, enveloping city. Just wandering around, looking lost. I've lived in big cities before, and some things are the same, but nothing is quite like Bangkok. 

Fortunately, I've made some contacts here, and so there are people I can turn to when the confusion turns to frustration.  These are mostly other teachers whom I've met online. One group with whom I hung out with last night are some current teachers at the school to which I've been assigned. Future co-workers! They were very helpful in answering my questionsn and also in spurring my enthusiasm to begin teaching at that particular school.

I haven't talked about this on my blog, even though I've known about it for more than a week now.  There's a bit of a snafu in regards to my contract.  I won't go into details, suffice to say that I've been assured that the situation is 95% settled and we're just waiting on some final approvals.  Still, there is a small chance that I may not even get the assignment I first thought I would, and have to go someplace else.  Under the terms of the program I paid for, I am guaranteed a job at a certain rate of pay, but it may not even be in Bangkok.  I am living in Limbo (hence the music to today's video blog)...

It's been over 5 weeks now since I've had a permanent residence.  Part of me really just wants to unpack the suitcases, spread my stuff around and get settled in.  Because of this up-in-the-air status, however, I've been advised not to make any permanent housing decisions. Until Friday, I'm still at the hotel.  

Pardon me if this blog seems a little whiny today.  Honestly, I am really really enjoying my new life here.  I've been told by some of my new friends that life in Thailand is actually very easy; I'm waiting for that part to begin. 

Even buying shoelaces can be an adventure here: 


  1. Limbo is not a fun place to be. Sure hope it all gets resolved for you shortly and in your favor. I'm sure each day makes it easier to understand this new land.

  2. We're getting to see alot of Bangkok thru your eyes cool beans. Keep the faith, Joko, God's plan is set He will let you know in due time.
    BTW, did you buy a smart phone when you were looking for a cell phone? Wanted to mention there are language apps out there that "speak" the words so you can mimic them, just thinking out loud..
    Also, have you thought about putting a PayPal donation button on your blog. Maybe a few of us could donate a few dollars to give you a little helping hand.

    1. I decided not to go with the smartphone option, although I've discovered "knock off" versions of iPhone and Android phones sold here for half what a real one costs. I got just a little flip phone thingy, and I when I say little, I mean tiny. It'a about the size of a lighter!

  3. Love your shirt in the last scene. Try tying two laces together at the toe side of the shoe to make them longer. It may not look right, but will get you thru until you find the right length. Does everyone wear sandels or flip flops?

    1. lots of sandals... dress shoes are slip ons... but you do see people with laced shoes. Who knows where they get their laces?

  4. I am really enjoying your blog! Glad your momma told us about it.Hope the teaching position you want opens up soon. You are in our prayers.
    Betty and Joe Graffis

  5. For those of us that are interested, would you share the name of the program that you are involved? Thank you for your videos. Has anyone asked why you are filming?

    1. Sure, it's called the ATI (American TESOL Institute) Special Thai Project. Just Google that and you're find it.

  6. OK, your mother sent me along. So now that that is said,here's my comment to your writings: I enjoyed every line and every word. You are in an exciting place I will never see or experience. I am a traveler too, but been hanging on to the western world, as I lack understanding of so many things found in the east. I will follow your blog. Thanks!


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.