Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On My Last Week

The last six days have been busy and productive.  In five days, I board a plane leaving Seattle.  In ten days, it's onto another one on my way to Thailand.

Last Thursday was my final day at work.  I had a lot of fun.  See the previous post for some of the ideas of last-day pranks I wanted to accomplish.  Although the intended audience of the following video was my fellow appliance-salespeople throughout Lowe's, and it's eleven minutes long (waaay longer than I usually make my vids), the way it ends is worth watching all the way through.

Monday, I got a verbal agreement from the car dealer who I bought my van from to buy it back on my last day here.  I bought it for $2000; selling it back for $1200.  Yeah, I could have gotten more by selling it to a private party, but this way I know I can use it right up until next Monday, and I am going to need it.

Tuesday, I sold more valuables to a local pawn shop.  Again, I went for ease and convenience of liquidating my belongings as opposed to getting top dollar.  Donated my entire wardrobe minus what I'm bringing overseas to the Goodwill.  It ended up being pretty easy to go through my garments when I had two qualifying questions: Have I gotten too fat for this (half my stuff)?  and Would this be too hot for a tropical climate (the other half)? 

Also on Tuesday, fit all of my personal papers that I didn't want to dump into a box and sent them off to my Sister for long-term storage.  Cleaned out the pantry and the refrigerator.

Today is dump run day!  I've got two somewhat broken down dressers that need to be dumped.

Maybe I'll make a video out of it...


  1. I have been following bloggers who have sold almost everything and moved into an RV. The last days are scary, and sad in a way, but once the stuff is gone they are relieved.

    Top dollar? If you bought a thing for it's resale value, then one can think of top dollar. I keep looking at things and valueing the use I've had or the pleasure I have gotten from it.

  2. Joko, nice vlog post. You had me cracking up when you said people assume you're some kind of pervert for moving to Thailand. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Now just a matter of days.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.