Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Parents Visit (Part 3)

Well, it's been 7.5 months since I posted "The Parents Visit (Part 2)".
I'm still here, and the video from the rest of my trip remains on my computer.

The trip I had with my parents and my ex-girlfriend around Myanmar last holiday season was a memorable one.  By the fact that it's been fermenting on my hard drive for so long has meant that looking at it again was like memory lane for me. 

This video is the last you'll see here of my -ex on the trip; she had to return to Yangon from Mandalay due to an emergency; Nicki became my ex not long after that.

The music you'll hear is the original work of Jon Duncan, a long-time "online friend" of mine who's recently released a collection  of his music. I thought it worked well with the video clips, both musically and thematically. Seeing my 70-something year-old parents helping each other in rough hills of Shan State echoed the feeling of a "Short History of Everything". If you like the music, support a young (ok, he's my age) musician and visit Half a Cow Records and DL your own copy.

It won''t take another 7 months to publish the next installment. I was inspired by my mother's birthday this last week; Dad's is just a month away.  

1 comment:

  1. It was lovely seeing your parents being with you! Blessings, Lynn


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.