Monday, April 1, 2019

The Parents Visit (Part 2)

On returning to Yangon from the journey around Myanmar with my parents, my free time has been taken up by a new avenue of pursuit. 

In my role as an English teacher, I have found that my favorite aspect of my new career is teaching IELTS preparation classes. For those unfamiliar, the
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the fastest growing English language test in the world. Over 3.5 million tests were given last year, and it's used by tens of thousands of institutions worldwide to gauge an individual's English reading, listening, speaking and writing levels. I think I enjoy it so much because the students really have something to gain by performing well, and I feel like I'm helping to get them there. 

Because of the stakes involved, the IELTS-prep industry is similarly growing. There's tons of advice online for test preparation, and a lot of it is bogus. I've had my own ideas for an IELTS prep blog and service, and so much of my time in 2019 has been taken up on my new endeavor: The IELTS Temple. Feel free to check it out. It's growing daily.

Consequently, there's lots and lots of video footage I haven't had time to edit.

I can rely on my software's "Smart Movie" creator...

Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.