Friday, September 22, 2017

Wow! It's Lao - Part 7: Luang Prabang to Nong Kiauw

After spending two nights in Luang Prabang, I was eager to get back out onto the road and continue my ride through the beautiful Lao countryside. There at the tail end of the rainy season, the foliage was at maximum greenery. Verdant doesn't come close to describing how lush and fertile the landscape was. 

The story goes that once there was this woman with a gigantic vag... no.
Once again, I wasn't facing a long motorbike ride, so I was able to take in a few sights along the way. First of these was Mount Phusi there in Luang Prabang itself. You must my excuse my inner 12-year-old for laughing at the name "Phusi" (pronounced poo-see). In any case, the view from the top of the hill (it's a hill, not a mountain) was fantastic. 

The view from Mount Pussy
I was a bit worried when I got to Pak Mong and I had turn off the wonderful Lao Highway 13 that I'd been on since Paklay and onto something called Highway 1C. The "1" was encouraging, but the "C", not so much. It turned out to be a fine road, not that my CRF250 couldn't have handled anything. 

Eventually, I got to the river valley town of Nong Kiauw. Wow. What an amazing place. The rock cliffs jutting upwards out of the valley, I hadn't seen anything like it since my last trip to Yosemite. 

Enjoy the video.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for showing where you went, hearing lovely music, and seeing a sweet cat/kitten! Blessings, Lynn


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.