Friday, March 17, 2017

Myanmar Motorcycle Epic 17: Taunggyi to Loikaw

In the Myanmar language, taung means mountain and gyi means large. So the town of Taunggyi, the capital of Shan State, is named for being on a big mountain. It's not the mountain that it itself is located on (and it is), it's named for the mountain above the town. It's this place that I visit at the start of this video. 

I wasn't thrilled to be going back to Loikaw. It's a nice enough place. The capital of Kayah State here in Myanmar is a place not many people have been to. But I have. These motorcycle tours are about visiting new places. If you'd like to see more of Loikaw, watch this video from a year ago when I went there the first time. 

That said, I was going to Loikaw by a different route than before. New road; new experiences. New ancient pagodas to visit. 


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