Friday, November 4, 2016

The Buildings of Hinthada

As I've mentioned before, Hinthada is an old city with a long history. I suppose it should then come as no surprise that it's got lots of old buildings around. I decided it would make an interesting project to drive around and capture some of them on video. 

Some of the remarkable buildings are religious in nature; there's no shortage of gleaming golden pagodas. The one pictured here is the town's most well-known. 

Then there's the mansions. Very large homes surrounded by spacious green grounds dot the city which is otherwise quite crowded. Some of these homes are still in good repair. 

Others, not so much. 
I think they may date back to colonial times, but their style is more Asian than the classical greco-styling of colonial homes in Yangon. 

So my intention was to around Hinthada and record just the buildings. You know how intentions work out when your confronted by dancing pigs coming at you down the road. 

And the goats. Goats, goats everywhere! Some of the were just roaming the streets as if the were strays. Stray dogs... why not stray goats? I don't know if the skinny puppy in this picture wants to play with the kid or eat it. 

Enjoy the video.

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I spend too much time making these things.