Saturday, May 2, 2015

Half Way There!

I've been told that the first week of the CELTA course would be the toughest.  Getting adjusted to the intensive nature of the course, the long hours, the lack of free time, these are all things that cause a lot of stress for many candidates. Two students dropped out in that first week (out of a group of 16).

The second week hasn't been as difficult, and I really think I'm making a lot of progress in learning how to be a better teacher. At first, I didn't know what I was doing wrong. Then, I learned what I was doing wrong, but kept finding myself
doing it anyways.  Now, I've learned how to do it right and am consciously making an effort to teach in the "CELTA Way".  It's coming along. After my last teaching practice, the feedback I got from my trainer was very positive. He said I had made huge improvements and his only critiques were very minor issues that are easily correctable. The next step is for me to internalize doing it right so that it becomes habit and I teach in this way unconsciously.  A friend posted the chart on the right that illustrates this learning process very effectively.

What I've been genuinely excited about are my results on the first writing assignment, which was returned to us yesterday.  80% of the trainees have to 'resubmit' this assignment as their first draft isn't usually up to what they're looking for.  I was very happy to be one of the 20% who turned in passing work on the first try. It was a happy Friday and so we celebrated by the pool.

 I've also heard that the third week of the training is the toughest. By this point, the trainers are going to be pretty much hands off. We need to work individually and in groups to come up with our lesson plans.  We're given some raw materials and a broad aim for the teaching practive, but no direction as to exactly what to teach or how to teach it. We should know that by now. Previously, we were given specific direction as to what kinds of activities to be doing, something I wanted to deviate from even then, so I'm okay with these looser guidelines.

In other news, I've decided what I want to do after the course ends. I'll have 5 days in Thailand before flying back to Yangon, and I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I've decided. I'm going on the Mae Hong Son Loop... described here are one of the ten most beautiful drives in the world.  It's about 400 miles through the mountains, but I'm going to take 4 days to do it, so it should be fine.  I'm really looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. I keep trying to change things that I say or do, like being to negative or always pointing out earier ways to do things to Craig. The efforts are not much different tha your three step chart. But getting to the third step is always hardest. I often revert to my old ways and have to try again. Having many new techniques to try to implement can be both a challenge and exciting as a teacher. In your new week, try to use as many of the methods they have introduced, and be sparing with your own invenations. In the long run you are in this for the highest evaluation grade you can get. They have probably seen other ways of doing things, but think highest of thie own. You have the freedom to do it your way after the course.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.