Saturday, July 19, 2014

War Against Monsoon Internet

It's been a tough last few weeks here in Yangon, Myanmar as it pertains to connectivity. I'm not the only one whose noticed. My friends and colleagues have mentioned as well that for whatever reason, our normally abysmally slow internet connections here in the armpit of Southeast Asia have become impossible. If any of y'all remember the late 90's when dial up speeds were talked about in 'baud'... Well, it's like we've gone from 24K baud to 300 baud. No one knows why.

Even now, I've had to go to an internet cafe to upload, and a 4 minute vid at 'medium' resolution is taking an hour and a half to upload.

Forget about human rights and democracy. This country needs faster internet!

Actually, I just read an article in the local paper connecting the collapse of the internet to the arrival of the monsoon. Since when are weather and internet connected?

It's given me time to do other things like read books. Just finished one about Myanmar history, and it fits in well with this week's theme of war. Trivia question: what is the longest ongoing armed conflict in the world? That is, the longest war on the books? The Burmese Civil War. Started back in 1946 and has never had a moment of peace since. Some organized armed group, somewhere in this country, has been actively plotting to resist, shoot and kill the army of the central government non-stop for the last 68 years.

I'm sure songs like the one I cover by Bob Marley here are inspiration to all those rebels...

1 comment:

  1. You might consider writing letters, and keeping a journal. Can you write in word and save it as a file? Someday it might be interesting to look back at your thoughts and experiences. I often kept journals when I had things to mull thru. Tossed them, but the writing was the thing I needed.

    Same with your videos. Can you edit and save them? Someday you will be able to share your work and it will be for the better for having been refined.

    Stay dry.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.