Sunday, June 15, 2014

Car Wash

There's a place in our little corner of northwest Yangon that we teachers like to congregate. We call it 'The Car Wash', simply because it is an actual car wash by day. At night, it becomes a relaxing restaurant and beer station. A couple weeks back, as we were talkin 'bout the Car Wash, yeah, one of my co-workers asked me if I was able to cover the Rose Royce 70's song 'Car Wash', on ukulele.

C'mon. Of course I can. There aren't that many popular songs that aren't 'coverable' (particularly this tune which is all just one note, D, throughout until the bridge). I said yes, and she challenged me to make this video. Challenge accepted and completed!

I welcomed the challenge because this is one of my all-time favorite songs. Ask Peter Hodder and Dave Jezukewicz about personal history with this tune. I was but a kid when this song came out, but its one of those songs that I've always wanted to cover. The audio part could have been a little more synched, but not bad for a day and a half work.

Many thanks to the Kaung Thar Car Wash and Restaurant for their help in making this video.

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I spend too much time making these things.