Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Tour of My New Apartment

Okay, the place is together enough that I can have visitors now.  Would you care to come in?  Please remove your shoes on the way in...


  1. Joko.. I sent an email out to some mutual friends.. Had to spread the word on your blog.. I had mentioned it to them before, but thought I'd send it out again.. because it's been so damn fun to watch. Sent you a copy of that email. FYI -- All the best! J. -- Seattle.

    1. Thanks, John. That was thoughtful of you. Say hi to the crew for me.

    2. Will do, Joko!

  2. Not sure what I expected but it's a little more third world. Makes my RV look pretty fancy. But you sure seem to be adjusting and making the best of it. It did look strange to see that computer in a place with no stove or shower.

  3. Looks much nicer than the earlier shots. I like the tile walls, easier to have cleaned if they grow mildew. Glad to see you have some airconditioning. It may not be the best but it will keep you alive.

    1. It's actually a bit cooler here than in Bangkok. Not THAT noticeable, but a bit.

  4. Your apartment is beginning to look more like home! Have you thought about having your friend become a room-mate? May cut down on some expenses. Just a thought. Praying for you. Blessings, Lynn

    1. Good idea, but at $200/mo, it's already manageable (in fact, I should say it's managed, as I've paid a year in advance!).

  5. I'm sorry, but with your cockroach problem, I'd rather leave my shoes on if I come to visit. ;) Nice tour!

    1. Haha! Understood. The only acceptable time for there to be a cockroach problem is when you first move into a place because then in no way can it be your 'fault' for untidy living habits. I got the traps in place. I'm training the little geckos to hunt and heat the roaches. It's under control.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.