Monday, January 15, 2018

Joko Goes to New Zealand: Coromandel

It didn’t take me long to fall in love with my rental motorcycle. This video begins  with me on the outskirts if Auckland, making my way towards the Coromandel Peninsula.. The ride, the scenery and the coastline made me fall in love. These were the traits that lead me to become infatuated by the bright green 250cc machine between my thighs. 
Not currently having a wife, I suppose I can call the parents of my sister’s husband my mother and father-in-laws. I meet them in their home country in this video. Well, at least my mother-in-law, and then not really that because she’s Australian by birth.

Of note is my journey on  the Coromandel peninsula northern loop. I made the whole northern loop in this video, Pauanui to  to Whitianga to Coromadel Town to Thames… a 190 km loop that will live in my memory for all times. I didn’t think anything would stand up to my last trip in Laos when it comes to being scenic; the Coromandel stood up to the best places I’ve ever been.


  1. Perfect music. Your videos get better and better. I felt like we were driving there.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.