Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm Sorry, Albert. I Can't.

I received a call to yesterday from the HR manager for Albert Lee Appliances, a chain of "high end" appliance stores here in Puget Sound area.  They had heard about me through their own sales staff, they knew I was a 'top-producer' and were calling to recruit me. If you're an appliance salesman, Albert Lee is the place to be.  If I went over there, I would have the potential of doubling my current income.

If this call had come six months ago, I probably wouldn't be preparing to move overseas right now.

If you've read this blog from the start, you'll remember that my first impetus towards making the decision to go was based upon my current employer's decision to cut my pay by about 35% a year or so ago.  Sure, there are lots of other reasons why I made that decision.  I want to see the world. I want to go live somewhere warm.  I think I'll make a good teacher.  

I've sure been, in all modesty, a really good appliance salesman.  The fiscal year ended this last weekend, and I finished 2012 as the top volume salesman at my company amongst the dozen or so stores that make up our district.  The best. Well, at least I'm leaving on top.  

I chatted with the recruiter amiably, explained what I was doing and that I had already entered into a contract, but was thrilled to be considered by his prestigious organization and if things had been different....yadda yadda yadda.  I'm keeping the guy's number; who knows what the future will bring?

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like it should give you a little sense of peace of mind that if this doesn't work out and you come back, you will have a good chance of finding a job. RCall me soon, I have a couple of suggestions for you.


Fashion Quiz - Future Present or Future Past

I spend too much time making these things.