My first real decision about how to proceed in this plan of
mine to go and teach English overseas is to choose a school from which to earn
a professional certificate to “teach English to Speakers of Other Languanges”..
AKA a TESOL certification. Now, there
are LOTS of sources out there from which to earn a TESOL certification. I’ve found internet-only courses for as
little as $180 that will grant anyone one of these necessary credentials. Locally, the University of Washington offers
a certification which when done on nights and weekends, would take me 18 months
and cost over $3000. The former example is pretty much useless in the country
where I want to go. The latter is a bit
overkill and more than I can afford anyways.
Wait... Why can't I just Photoshop this image and put my name in it? |
It’s generally agreed
internationally that the ‘gold standard’
of certifications are the Cambridge University issued “CELTA” and the equally
well regarded version of the same thing issued by London’s Trinity
College. Both of these British
institutions offer these certifications worldwide, including a couple places
here in Seattle, but they require 6 weeks to 3 months of full time education,
i.e., you can’t have a job like mine and be able to be a fulltime student at
the same time? Not to mention that their
tuition requirements are $1300 to $1700!
Heh.. they didn't even spell "Center" correctly. |
What to do?
Looking closely at various teaching jobs in the country I
want to eventually end up in, Indonesia, I see that the better paying jobs want
you to have some kind of TESOL certification which incorporates at least 120
hours of in-class learning as well as a significant amount of in-person, real
life experience teaching in schools.
120 hours at 40 hours a week is 3 weeks.
120 hours at say, 5 hours a week is 4 months… I was hoping to find a course like the latter
where I could spend a semester or so part-time and still be able to work.
No such courses exist around here. It’s either full immersion into the learning to
teach or a useless internet certification that might get me a job in Korea or
China (two countries notoriously desperate for English teachers) but not where
I want to go…
I’ve found something better.
The 3-week 40 hour a week thing followed immediately by a teaching job
in SouthEast Asia. I’ll get my TESOL certification with all the prerequisites
for hours and in-class experience, and
immediately start earning experience that I can turn into a better job later. I
won’t have to worry about how to mix working fulltime with going to school, nor
struggle to figure out how to pay a month of USA expenses without income while
I learn here.
Best of all, I get to go learn my new trade in a little
place called Phuket, Thailand.
If you’ve not heard of Phuket (prounced FOO-ket, not
fuck-IT, although the punning possibilities therein are endless), it’s one of
paradises of Southeast Asia. It’s the
Bali of Thailand. Beautiful
beaches. Laid back culture. Very friendly people. After completing my education on a BEACH SIDE
resort in Phuket, I will be stationed at a yet-to-be-determined school in Thailand. I could be teaching adults English, but more
likely, children. The pay is US $1000
per month during that latter period, and whereas I make that now every week,
accommodations are paid there and the cost of living is significantly
less. You have to complete a one
semester contract as part of this deal, which costs $980 up front, plus I gotta
buy my own plane ticket (US $800).
I’ve always wanted to see Thailand. Not only does this
educational opportunity totally fit my needs as a modern working American
living paycheck-to-paycheck, I should be able to leave there (if I want to) and
move on to Indonesia after a year without having to have dipped into my
financial reserves, and Thailand to Indonesia, heck, if I were going to
Northern Sumatra, I could swim there!
The program in Phuket begins April 15th. This shortens up my timeline significantly. Lots to do! Lots to get rid of.
Oh, I might as well put this out there now, now that there is a definitive plan with this... Would anyone like to adopt a wonderful, loving, independent, fluffy and mild mild mannered 6 year-old female kitty cat?