Sunday, June 17, 2018

Discovering Northwest Myanmar 16: Kataung to Mandalay

I call them "Burmese Doughnuts".
They've got another name, but
essentially, it's fried bread.
The three-week adventure was nearing it's end. I was ahead of schedule, but after visiting all the sights available in the ancient city of Kataung, it was time to move on. I continued my way south along the Irrawaddy River back to where it all started, Mandalay.

From the 4-faces pagoda.An ancient pagoda inside a newer one!
I was also under budget. I had set aside a certain amount of money I was thinking to spend on this vacation, and when I got back to Mandalay, I was well under that. So, time to splurge a bit.

Once again Zach, my patron, the guy I'd rented the motorbike from in the first place - - was helpful in suggesting accommodations there in Mandalay that were somewhat luxurious, but without breaking the bank. The Apex Hotel. Nice place.

It's taking me some time to finish up this adventure which ended 7 weeks ago now.As i mentioned in the last blog, a new love interest.
We're still together.  Sure, she's 20 years young than me. We're from  different cultures. But she spent some time living in America and we get along great.

Enjoy the video. 



I thought I was going to retire there. I was the senior staff member. I'd been there longer than anyone. It. Is. Not. Fair.  But on the ...