Some notes from the second half of my vacation in Southeast
Foreigners and monks in the upper class car . |
You may have noticed from the video chronicling my journey from
Hpa An to Ye that I had picked up some traveling companions. This
happened to me on more than one occasion in my ten days away from
home. There aren't that many foreigners doing the tourist thing in
this part of the country, and so when solo travelers meet and talk,
there is a natural tendency to glom onto one another. I enjoy the
freedom of making my own path at my own pace, but it's also nice to
have people to talk to, and in my case, since I speak some of the
language, I got followers who liked my ability to negotiate with the
One of these, I called Santa Claus. I met him the day after
Christmas. He was older, fat, and had a long white beard. He was
from Canada, which isn't far from the North Pole. Never have I met
someone who was so oblivious to what he was saying.
It was so cool to capture this image for my own which I had
put on my blog previously from another source. |
He was traveling with a young woman he had met the day before who
happened to be Israeli. Twice on that first day of our acquaintance,
he talked about haggling, once with a fruit vendor and the other with
the Captain, the innkeeper there in Ye. When referring to trying to
get a better price, on both occasions, he said,
“I'll see if I can
Jew him down.”
Aww, man.
That phrase is offensive and politically incorrect enough as it
is, but to make that remark in front of an Israeli? Completely
The next day, Santa and I both rented motorcycles, but from two
different sources. Santa pulls up on his bike, and the first thing I
notice is the swastika on the front splash guard. Now, as many of
you know, the swastika didn't start off as a NAZI symbol. It's an
ancient Hindu symbol which Hitler hijacked as part of his obsession
with Aryan culture (the Aryans conquered India about 4000 years ago
and founded Hinduism). You see swastikas all over SE Asia and it has
nothing to do with NAZI-ism. Thing is, this bike also had a German
war eagle adjacent to the swastika. That changes the context. I
pointed this out to Santa, and again, he was oblivious. Hadn't even
noticed. He noted that might be why when he offered his Israeli
friend a ride, she refused. At least he was aware of that much.

More on what you'll see in the video: The vid starts with me
visiting a place about 15 miles outside Ye called Banana Hill. They
recently built (and are still building) a gigantic Buddhist monument
up on the top of this hill. Something occurred to me as I put this
video together during this time of so much worldwide religion versus
religion strife. The architecture, the furnishings, the interiors of
this shrine were Buddhist, but they might (minus the statues) have
been Islamic, Christian of Jewish. If you want to make an impact on
people's souls with a place, there's certain ways to do it. As you
view the interior of the pagoda, ask yourself, what religion is this?
For me, it could have been any religion.
The train ride from Ye to Dawei was interesting and beautiful, but
oh, my God, it was long. It was eight hours, but eight hours to go
255 kilometers (160 miles)? Do the math. One online travel guide
called it the slowest train in the world.
I spent that first night in Dawei, which I thought made up for the
day that I had chosen not to go to Sittwe Beach, part of my original
itinerary. When I showed up at the Coconut Guesthouse, the only
reasonable accommodation in Maungmagan, they told me I was a day
early for my booking. Yes, they had a reservation for me, but it was
for the following day. Again, this was the week between Christmas
and New Years, not a time to be just assuming there will be
vacancies. Fortunately, despite my bad planning, they had a room for
me, and I began my stay in Maungmagan.